
COVID-19 – UAE to start vaccine trial phase on human

Illustration. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) authorities on Monday (July 13) announced that a third phase of the development of possible COVID-19 vaccine was approved by the Ethics Committee Scientific research in Abu Dhabi. (Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The United Arab Emirates (UAE) authorities on Monday (July 13) announced that a third phase of the development of possible COVID-19 vaccine was approved by the Ethics Committee Scientific research in Abu Dhabi.

This approval paves the way for the start of a third phase of clinical trials that will ensure the safety and efficacy of vaccines in a larger segment of individuals, according to the Saudi Gazette report.

UAE Health Minister Abdul Rahman Al Owais explained that the stage included conducting research on two types of vaccinations with the participation of more than 15,000 volunteers.

He stressed that the best scientific standards would be adopted when conducting medical studies and the success of this stage could lead to the commencement of the manufacturing process.

As of July 14, 2020, the number of accumulated cases of COVID-19 in the world has reached more than 13.2 million with more than 575 thousand deaths.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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