Profile – Seasoned journalist Parni Hadi publishes book celebrating 75 years of age

Seasoned journalist Parni Hadi (left) officially launched his book titled #Semangat75: Usaha Bangun Hidup Sehat (Efforts to Build a Healthy Life) with the signing of a larger version of the book on Thursday (Oct. 27, 2023) at the Press Council Office, Jakarta. (Photo: Special)

Seasoned journalist Parni Hadi started his career as a journalist at state-owned Antara News Agency, known as LKBN Antara in, 1973.


Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Seasoned journalist Parni Hadi celebrated his 75th birthday on Thursday (Oct. 26) at the country’s Press Council Office here by re-publishing a book, entitled “#Semangat75: Efforts to Build a Healthy Life” as a reflection of himself who continues to work.

Born in Madiun city, East Java province, on August 13, 1948, seasoned journalist Parni Hadi, who started his career as a journalist at state-owned Antara News Agency, known as LKBN Antara in 1973, shared in his new book on how he came to terms with his age to channel his overflowing creative energy.

“The message I convey through this book is to remain energetic and creative even in an old age,” Hadi said at the launch of his book.

One of the contents of the book is titled ‘Exercise for the Elderly’ with the short text ‘elderly exercise tight muscle, full stomach, happy heart… with a photo of Hadi cutting a banana tree.’

“Aging and accepting the consequences. Making peace, being grateful for what has, is and will happen. Based on my ability, I try to keep moving. Movement is a sign of life,” he said.

Different from conventional books circulating in the communities, his audiovisutorial book uses electronic media to convey the contents of the book.

“The content consists of audio (speech and music), photo/video and text (editorial). Everything is short, but complete (concise). This book is enjoyable by YouTube (link) with a barcode,” he explained.

To access the video, readers can scan the barcode printed in the book. The barcode will direct readers to a YouTube link containing the video.

Chappy Hakim, Air Force Chief of Staff 2002-2005, Wina Armada Sukardi, a senior journalist and an expert on the press law and journalistic code of ethics, and an activist and an entrepreneur Chiki Fawzi attended the event and shared their opinions in a discussion led by Priambodo RH.

According to Chiki, Hadi’s efforts by presenting an audiovisutorial book is a way to remain relevant to the current technological developments.

“I see this as an effort to stay relevant to the current situation in which children have become digital natives,” she said.

The daughter of veteran actors Ikang Fawzi and Marissa Haque also appreciated Hadi’s humanitarian record as one of the initiators of the Dompet Dhuafa Foundation in Indonesia conveyed through the book.

“The enthusiasm and life journey that Mr. Hadi has gone through which is written on the pages of your book, in my opinion it can transmit the spirit of volunteerism to young people,” she said.

The audiovisutorial book #Semangat75 ‘Efforts to Build a Healthy Life’ was officially launched with the signing of a larger version of the book.

The book launch also coincided with the launch of the book ‘Poetic Reportage: 5W+1H With Flavor’ on journalism as a continuation of the previous book, ‘Prophetic Journalism’.

Hadi also published books including

1.Introspection of the Javan Rhino, A Collection of Columns by Parni Hadi, Jakarta, Mizan Pustaka, 1996.

2.Cap Jempol Darah Calon President, Collection of Columns by Parni Hadi, Jakarta, Mizan Publisher, 1999.

3.Foolitik, Bangsa Yang Kalah, Pustaka Pembangunan Swadaya Nusantara, Jakarta, 2003.

4.Maringgi Peni, Interpreting the Loss of a Loved One, PH Pro, Jakarta, 2005.

5.Hamengku Buwono IX: Inspiring Prophetic Leader, IRSI, Jakarta, 2013, Editor: Nasyith Majidi

6.Prophetic Journalism, Struggle – Theory and Application, Dompet Dhuafa, 2014

7.Pancasila in Action: Cultivating the Sense and Practice of Pancasila in Real Charity, Dompet Dhuafa, 2018

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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