Visions of Peace Initiative launches book entitled the Art of Peace

Visions of Peace Initiative (VOPI) launched a book under the theme of peace entitled ‘The Art of Peace’ in Jakarta, Tuesday (August 1, 2023). This book is a tribute to thousands of participants who joined the VOPI’s program. From left to right: VOPI Founder Prince KGPA Damien Dematra, Senator Fahrul Razi, Princess Cheryl Hapern and Senator Eni Sumarni. (Mohammad Anthoni)

Since its establishment in 2017, Visions of Peace Initiative has been committed to motivating young Indonesians to use their artistic talents to channel ideas and share perspectives on tolerance, peace and respect for humanity.


Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Visions of Peace Initiative launched a book under the theme of peace entitled ‘The Art of Peace’ Volume 1 in Jakarta, Tuesday (Aug. 1).

This book is a tribute to thousands of participants who participated in the Visions of Peace Initiative (VOPI) program and is an acclamation for the award winners whose works are represented.

This book is a heartfelt presentation of a child’s vision of hope for a better future with decency, dignity and peaceful coexistence.

With a size of 59.4 x 84.1 cm, this book is included in the record of the Largest Book under the Theme of Peace in the World given by Royal World Records.

VOPI’s International Founder, Princess Cheryl Halpern, said since its establishment in 2017, Visions of Peace Initiative has been committed to motivating young Indonesians to use their artistic talents to channel ideas and share perspectives on tolerance, peace and respect for humanity.

Schools, orphanages and religious organizations, of all denominations, have supported the VOIP throughout the Republic of Indonesia including those organized in areas recovering from natural disasters as well as in areas of violent conflict.

“It is important to encourage Indonesian youth, future pioneers, to live up to this motto and express themselves so that others can learn. Through their artistic presentation of a vision for a peaceful tomorrow, they help themselves and their peers to develop a more tolerant and respectful state of mind,” Halpern said.

Every participant becomes an ambassador of peace as they bring vision and understanding of the golden rule to their homes, schools and communities,” she added.

Working with young people ages 5 to 18, the VOIP has promoted civility and respect for others by embracing an ethic of reciprocity, also known as the golden rule, a universal value that is critical to civic social behavior.

She said the ethics of reciprocity teaches us to ‘do unto others as you would like to be treated for yourself and conversely, do not do unto others what you do not wish to do unto yourself.

It is a message that finds expression over thousands of years in the teachings of all faiths. It is also a concept that is at the core of Indonesia’s motto, ‘Bhinneka Tunggal Ika’ because without respecting diversity either in the family or community, there will be no unity.

Royal World Records based in the United States has stated that this book is official and verified to make a record as the Greatest Book with the Theme of Peace in the World.

Pancasila Peace Figures, Senator Eni Sumarni and Senator Fachrul Razi gave full supports to the work of the nation’s children and directly launched this phenomenal and historical book. Pancasila is Indonesia’s state ideology. 

Princess Natasha Dematra , VOPI Executive Director, said previously this book itself had been introduced at the United Nations in New York, United States some time ago.

“We hope that as you read this book, you will also be inspired by the artwork of these young individuals and will commit to embracing the golden rule and joining the Visions of Peace Initiative in a continuing effort to promote a more peaceful tomorrow,” VOPI Founder Prince KPAA Damien Dematra.

Editing by Indonesia Window    

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