
Indonesian humanitarian organization to hold solidarity conference for Palestinian women prisoners

An Indonesian humanitarian organization, Aqsa Working Group (AWG), is launching a peaceful protest and will hold a solidarity conference for Palestinian women prisoners who are currently under tortures in Israeli prisons. (AWG)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – An Indonesian humanitarian organization, Aqsa Working Group (AWG), is launching a peaceful protest and will hold a solidarity conference for Palestinian women prisoners who are currently under tortures in Israeli prisons.

AWG’s press release on Friday (Jan. 14) stated that the peaceful protest is taking place from January 10 to 30, 2022, inviting all people to carry out solidarity campaigns through social media.

As a follow-up to the event, AWG also plans to hold a solidarity conference for Palestinian women prisoners in March 2022 in Indonesia’s capital city of Jakarta.

In addition, AWG calls for and holds the delivery of a special prayer called Qunut Nazilah at the end of every compulsory prayer in congregation at mosques for one full month from December 25, 2021 to January 25, 2022.

The humanitarian organization also held a special webinar on solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on January 12, 2022, inviting Sheikh Raid Salah, one of the Palestinian leading Muslim scholars in Al Aqsa as well as a fighter of Al-Aqsa Mosque liberation.

A month ago he was released after being repeatedly imprisoned by the Zionist Israel.

Another speaker was Samir Subaih, a Palestinian Muslim woman fighter who was imprisoned by the Zionist Israel when she was one month pregnant, until she gave birth and raised her child in prison.

Responding those situations, AWG launched a humanitarian aid program for the families of Palestinian female prisoners and held an article and poetry writing competition about them.

The Chief Executive of the Solidarity Action for Palestinian Female Prisoners, Maghfiroh, said that the peaceful protest was held to show the support of the Indonesian people for Palestinian prisoners, especially women who suffer from tortures while being in Israeli prisons.

Maghfiroh said that on the first day, the event was held by thousands of people throughout Indonesia as well as international activists and journalists participating in.

They stated that they supported the peaceful protest held by AWG as a form of solidarity to Palestinian female prisoners.

Through the event, AWG invites the international community to take concrete actions to defend Palestinian female prisoners, and urges Israel to immediately release administrative prisoners and give them their basic rights in prison.

AWG strongly condemns the brutal actions committed by Israel against women activists in prisons.

According to a report by the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS), over 4,650 Palestinians including 200 children, 40 women and 450 administrative prisoners are still in Israeli prisons.

PPS also revealed that 40 female prisoners have been subjects to violence and brutal investigations in Israeli prisons, and under difficult conditions. They have been going through psychological tortures and deprivation of basic needs.

AWG is aimed to accommodate and manage the efforts of Muslims for the liberation of Al-Aqsa Mosque and support the struggle for Palestinian independence.

AWG was founded at Al-Aqsa International Conference which was held in Jakarta on 20 Sya’ban 1429 Hijri which coincided on August 21, 2008.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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