
Indonesia supports infrastructure development in developing countries

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (right) at the G20 Bali Summit on Tuesday (November 15, 2022), at The Apurva Kempinski Hotel, Bali. (The Indonesian Cabinet Secretariat)

Infrastructure development needs to empower the economy and the people who are expected to have a high sense of ownership, in addition to supports for developing countries to build capacity and self-sufficiency.


Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesia supports infrastructure development in developing countries, President Joko Widodo said after he along with United States President Joe Biden and European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen launched the G20 Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGII) on Tuesday.

The launch was carried out on the sidelines of the G20 Summit which took place at The Apurva Kempinski Hotel in Badung district, Bali, the Indonesian Cabinet Secretariat said in its official statement on Tuesday.

Indonesia always supports efforts to strengthen infrastructure development in developing countries, the president said, stating that the multidimensional crisis that the world is currently facing brings challenges to infrastructure development in developing countries.

On that occasion, President Joko Widodo also conveyed a number of things that need to be considered by PGII in supporting infrastructure development in developing countries.

First, the support provided should be based on the real needs of destination countries or countries driven. Therefore, the president stated that consultation and dialogue with receiving countries should be the main guideline.

Infrastructure development needs to empower the economy and the people who are expected to have a high sense of ownership, in addition to supports for developing countries to build capacity and self-sufficiency. Thus, developing countries can be more resilient in facing global challenges in the future, he said.

Currently, Indonesia is pushing for equitable development through moving the nation’s capital to Nusantara, the president said when giving an example, adding that moving the capital would open investment opportunities of 20.8 billion US dollars in various infrastructure sectors.

Second, the president emphasized that PGII should be based on a collaborative paradigm.

“Involving more stakeholders, including the private sector, is expected to bring real benefits. I believe initiatives like PGII would be even more beneficial if it involves as many countries as possible in the world,” he said.

Third, PGII should produce supports for sustainable development, including through green development and energy transition. The president views that developing countries are the ones that are the most vulnerable to the challenges of sustainable development and climate change.

The president stated that Indonesia’s G20 Presidency has encouraged real cooperation in the field of sustainable infrastructure and development funding. Indonesia is also serious about developing a green industry, including the electric car industry ecosystem. Electric cars serve as official vehicles at the Bali G20 Summit.

“Indonesia is ready to support the PGII initiative. My hope is that PGII can strengthen the results achieved at the G20,” he said.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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