
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in collaboration with Japan’s Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)  some time ago installed a composting toilet in an elementary school of SD Negeri Babakan Sinyar 210, in Bandung, West Java.

“The composting toilet is one of the technologies developed by the LIPI Clean Technology Research Workshop. This project has been running for a number of years and has resulted in pioneering scale technology, international publications, patents and research funding,” the Head of the Clean Technology Research Institute (LPTB) of LIPI, Ajeng Arumsari, said on the LIPI website as quoted in Jakarta on Sunday.

The composting toilet can process human waste into fertilizer and liquid fertilizer.

Meanwhile, LPTB LIPI researcher Neni Sintawardani said that the toilet, which was designed as a toilet seat, allowed urine to be separated from feces, while keeping the facility clean.

Neni explained that her party also continued to observe changes in the behavior and views of students in maintaining the quality of sanitation and the pattern of urine collection in the composting toilet.

In the meantime, RIHN representative Ken Ushijima said that the composting toilet is part of the Sanitation Value Chains project involving six countries including Indonesia.

“This international project involves many disciplines such as those on economy, technology, visual design and humanity. The project also creates value from sanitation activities,” Ken explained.

Principal of SDN Babakan Sinyar 210, Bandung, Memi Sumiati, is happy because her school is the location of the project for implementing the first composting toilet at the elementary school level.

“This composting toilet is also a place to practice good character and habits in protecting the environment,” she said.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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