
Hajj1443 – Indonesian pilgrims with Makkah Route service arrive in Madinah

The first batch of Indonesian pilgrims enjoying the Makkah Route Initiative arrived at Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz International Airport in Madinah on Thursday (June 9, 20222). (Saudi Gazette)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The first batch of Indonesian pilgrims enjoying the Makkah Route Initiative arrived at Prince Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz International Airport in Madinah on Thursday (June 9).

The pilgrims departed through the Makkah Route terminal at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Banten province.

The Makkah Route Initiative or the so-called fast track in 2022 is the fourth year since it was launched for the first time in 2019, under the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

The initiative aims at completing pilgrims’ travel procedures, starting from issuing visas electronically, collecting biometrics, and entry procedures at the airport of the country of departure itself after ensuring that they meet all health requirements.

The procedures also include labeling and sorting luggage according to the transportation and accommodation arrangements in Saudi Arabia.

This cuts down the waiting time at the arrival airport where the pilgrims will board immediately upon buses that will take them to their residences in Makkah or Madinah, while the grown crew will deliver their luggage to their hotels.

In addition to Indonesia, pilgrims from Pakistan, Malaysia, Morocco and Bangladesh also enjoy the Makkah Route service.

Source: Saudi Gazette

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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