Taiwan applies world-class measures to prevent Coronavirus outbreak

Visitors wore masks while enjoying the Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taichung on February 8-23, 2020. (Indonesia Window)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – A Novel Coranavirus outbreak originating from Wuhan, China has been spreading throughout the world since the end of December 2019.

Taiwan which is geographically close to China is at risk of being affected by the outbreak.

A statement from the Taipei Economic and Trade Office (TETO) received by Indonesia Window here on Wednesday mentioned that so far there are 28 confirmed cases on the Formosa Island.

However, a world-class health care system applied by Taiwan has effectively prevented the spread of the disease on the island.

The number of confirmed cases in Taiwan is relatively smaller than those in other neighbouring countries.

With the excellent health system, the international community, including 300,000 Indonesians who work, live and study in Taiwan enjoy the same standard of medical security as that received by the Taiwanese, the statement said.


Taiwan has established a comprehensive national epidemic prevention system which consists of electronic epidemic monitoring, firm border quarantine, community epidemic prevention system, and adequate preparations for anti-epidemic materials.

The Taiwanese government also conducts epidemic prevention campaigns, holds annual epidemic prevention trainings, and builds cooperation with local administrations and communities in preventing the epidemics.

According to TETO, Taiwan is experienced in dealing with epidemics of cholera, malaria, smallpox and tuberculosis since the last 60 years, thus gradually establishing a complete epidemic prevention mechanism.

After addressing the SARS outbreak in 2003, every effort to prevent epidemics has been increasingly made.

Taiwan is a country with relatively small outbreaks of infectious diseases, because it implements health surveillance and control over incoming and outgoing passengers, and a complete system of domestic epidemic preventive measures.

Taiwan quickly convened meetings that gathered experts, and took steps to block the entry of the virus from abroad in early January 2020.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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