The world recognizes the progress of Indonesia’s nuclear technology

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The progress of Indonesia’s nuclear technology with various innovations in agriculture and health has received recognition from the world through the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education M Nasir stated that Indonesia currently has a Practical Agreement with the IAEA to facilitate technical cooperation between developing countries in various frameworks including South-South Cooperation, the Government News Network (JPP) said as quoted in Jakarta, Wednesday.
“Indonesia has strengthened the capability of nuclear safeguards as developed by the IAEA in the Asia-Pacific region, among others through Indonesia’s leadership in the Asia-Pacific Protection Network (APSN),” said Minister M Nasir in the 63rd IAEA General Session in Vienna, Austria, Monday (9/16).
The progress of nuclear technology in the country has also made the IAEA appoint Indonesia as a Collaborating Center for Plant Mutation Breeding, the minister added.
Indonesia is also a contributor country in the Idea of IAEA Peaceful Uses Initiatives, and is a country that provides assistance to increase the nuclear technical capacity of several countries within the framework of the Nuclear Capacity Project which will begin next year.
In the agriculture sector, Indonesia has developed prime rice and soybean varieties with nuclear technology, which contribute to achieving national food security.
This innovation was also supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
Indonesia is also developing nuclear technology in the health sector.
“Currently Indonesia and the IAEA are working together to develop national nuclear medicine, specifically for the treatment of cancer,” said Minister Nasir.
Reporting by Indonesia Window