
Indonesian vocational school students win international robot competition in Malaysia

Students from Yogyakarta State Vocational School won the 2nd and 3rd place at the International Robot Competition held at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) on September 14-15, 2019. (SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – A robotic team from Yogyakarta State Vocational School won the 2nd and 3rd place at the International Robot Competition held at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) on September 14-15, 2019.

A statement received by Indonesia Window here, Wednesday mentioned that the competition was participated by school students, higher educational institutions students and public.

In the competition, the vocational school sent three teams in the Time Rush category with robots named Aitu Scabot 281 by Muhammad Machin, Aitu Scabot 181 by Sigit Widyanto and Aitu Scabot 354 by Reynaldi Ardiansyah.

Meanwhile, a robot team competed in the Sumo category named Aitu Scabot 150 by Risqi Mehandra Putra

The second and third place were achieved at the Time Rush category, but there was no title for the Sumo category.

The 2nd place was won by Reynaldi Ardiansyah with Aitu Scabot 354 and the 3rd place was won by Muhammad Machin with Aitu Scabot 181.

The students who had previously participated in competitions at the provincial and national levels had practiced for a month before competing in Malaysia.

“We are grateful for this achievement. For me there is no loss in the race, but a motivation to get the best and keep learning,” Reynaldi Ardiansyah said.

Meanwhile, Lutfi Nur Indrawan, as the supervisor, expressed his gratitude for the best performance of the students.

“For the Sumo category, our team lose due to a problem in hardware construction, so we need to improve it, “he said.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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