Indonesian delegation hands over aid for quake victims in Turkiye during visit to field hospital

Aid for quake victims in Turkiye is a form of concern between the governments of Indonesia and Turkiye, showing close relations between the peoples of the two countries.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The Indonesian delegation visited the Indonesian emergency medical team (EMT) field hospital in Hassa District, Hatay Province, Turkiye, on Wednesday (Feb. 23) afternoon local time, and handed over aid for quake victims in that country.
“I have just handed over the fourth batch of humanitarian aid from the people, the government and NGOs in Indonesia. This is the last special humanitarian plane, but not the last humanitarian aid. This means, God willing, there will be further assistance,” the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy, said in his statement at the location of the disaster.
Aid for quake victims in Turkiye is a form of concern between the governments of Indonesia and Turkiye, showing close relations between the peoples of the two countries, according to Muhadjir who led the delegation.
The government and people of Turkiye were also always present when Indonesia experienced calamities, for examples the Aceh tsunami in 2004 and the earthquake in Palu City, Central Sulawesi province.
“During the 2004 tsunami, the government and people of Turkiye were present earlier than those of other countries. In fact, now in Aceh there is a Turkiye village which was built by the Turkiye people when we were facing the tsunami disaster,” he explained.
Indonesia’s humanitarian mission in Turkiye involved more than 250 personnel, five humanitarian cargo planes, around 110 tons of cargo, 50 containers of instant food supply, one field hospital and two public kitchens that serves 24 hours a day, Muhadjir said.
“This humanitarian mission for Turkiye is so far the biggest mission carried out by the Indonesian government to help friendly countries,” he said.
Indonesia sent several teams on a humanitarian mission this time, he said, adding that the teams consisted of a Medium Urban SAR team, an EMT team, a field hospital team, and an air logistics team along with a Hercules C-130 aircraft that helps the Turkiye government transport logistics and victims in the earthquake affected areas.
As the two countries that are quite frequently affected by natural disasters, Muhadjir hopes that the two countries can continue to learn from each other in disaster management.
Reporting by Indonesia Window