
Indonesia committed to be associated member in Pacific Alliance

Indonesia is committed to increasing the membership status from an observer country to an associate member in the Pacific Alliance.

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesia is committed to increasing the membership status from an observer country to an associate member in the Pacific Alliance.

It was discussed in an online meeting held by the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday (Oct 20), that discussed efforts to map strategic steps to enhance relationship between Indonesia and the alliance.

Director General of America and Europe at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ngurah Swajaya, remarked that Latin America is a potential region for expanding market access for Indonesian products and raising international supports for Indonesian at the global level.

One of the efforts to maximize the potential in the region is through increasing Indonesia’s membership status in the Pacific Alliance.

The Pacific Alliance is a regional organization for Latin America, which consists of Chile, Colombia, Peru and Mexico.

Since 2015, Indonesia has been an observer country in the regional organization.

The urgency to upgrade the status from an observer to be Associate Members is related to the expansion of market access and penetration of Indonesia’s national products to potential Latin American markets.

The status upgrade is also a strategy to promote PTA (preferential trade area) negotiations which is currently underway between Indonesia and Peru as well as Colombia, as well as to explore an opportunity for a similar agreement with Mexico.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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