
COVID-19 – Over 32 million Indonesians receive full vaccinations

A man received a covid-19 vaccine shot at his house through door-to-door vaccination program in Madiun district, East Java province on Thursday (August 19, 2021). (The Indonesian Presidential Secretariat)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – A total of 444,356 people in Indonesia received the second doses of vaccines on Monday (Aug. 23), bringing the total number of recipients of complete vaccinations against COVID-19 to 32,046,224, according to data from the COVID-19 Task Force on Monday (Aug. 23).

Meanwhile, the number of the first dose recipients was 57,779,716 people, including 440,409 who received the shots on Sunday (Aug. 22).

The Indonesian government plans to vaccinate 208,265,720 people to achieve herd immunity against the COVID-19.

The COVID-19 vaccination program in the world’s fourth populated country targets health workers, workers working at public service sectors, the elder, and people in general, including children and teenagers aged between 12 and 17 years old, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers.

In order to expand the target coverage and accelerate the COVID-19 vaccinations, the Indonesian government has diversified vaccination services, including providing drive-thru services, and mobile vaccination services, as well as floating vaccination facilities.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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