
COVID-19 – 56.04 million Indonesians receive first dose of vaccine

Indonesian President Joko Widodo observed the Covid-19 vaccination for students in Madiun district, East Java province on Thursday (19/8/2021). (Presidential Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – A total of 56,045,931 Indonesians received the first doses of the vaccines against COVID-19 as of Thursday afternoon, according to data from the COVID-19 Task Force.

The data show that there were additional 853,437 people who received the first doses of the vaccines on Thursday (Aug. 19).

Meanwhile, the number of recipients of the second doses of vaccines increased by 965,180 people, bringing the total number to 30,368,525.

The Indonesian government targets 208,265,720 people to receive COVID-19 vaccine jabs to reach herd immunity as an effort to end the pandemic in the country.

Earlier, President Joko Widodo targeted 100 million doses of vaccine shots by the end of August 2021.

The head of state also asked for the acceleration of vaccination in all regions in Indonesia to reach 50 million injections within seven weeks.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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