
COVID-19 – 23.57 mln Indonesians have received third doses of vaccines

A man receives an injection of COVID-19 vaccine. (

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The Ministry of Health reported that the number of Indonesian citizens who have received the third doses of vaccines (booster) has reached 23,574,482, including additional 560,231 on Saturday (Apr. 2).

Official data received in Jakarta, Saturday (Apr. 2), also stated that as many as 159,950,991 people have received the second doses of vaccines, including additional 264,499 people.

Meanwhile, the number of recipients of the first doses of vaccines has reached 196,850,337 with a daily addition of 131,237 people on Saturday.

The government is targeting 208,265,720 people to get vaccine shots against COVID-19 in order to achieve herd immunity.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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