Indonesian minister presents Hassan Wirajuda Protection Award 2022

Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi (fifth left, front row) with the winners of the 2022 Hassan Wirajuda Protection Award (HWPA) in Jakarta, on Monday (January 9, 2023). (Photo: Special)

Hassan Wirajuda Protection Award (locally known as Hassan Wirajuda Pelindungan Award) 2022 was presented to 22 recipients from seven categories, both individuals and institutions as well as government officials, government partners, civil society and journalists (media).


Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Retno L.P. Marsudi has presented the Hassan Wirajuda Pelindungan Award or Hassan Wirajuda Protection Award (HWPA) to 22 recipients as a form of appreciation from her ministry for those who give protections to Indonesian citizens abroad.

Minister Retno gave the award at the 2022 HWPA Awarding Night, on Monday (9/1) in Jakarta, which is an activity that has been held for the eighth time since 2015.

In her remarks at the event which was also attended virtually by the Head of the Foreign Affairs Division of the Indonesian Cyber Media Union (SMSI) Aat Surya Safaat, the minister said that the Indonesian government appreciates the award recipients for their hard works beyond the call of duty.

The appreciation is expected to inspire the strengthening of protection for Indonesian citizens from upstream to downstream, as the number of cases continue to increase every year and challenges of protecting Indonesian citizens are increasingly complex.

Two things are underlined by Foreign Minister Retno. The first is the importance of investing more in prevention efforts by giving protection at every stage of migration and involving all stake holders.

The second is strengthening the service infrastructure and protecting Indonesian citizens by developing digital transformation, collaborating with ministries/institutions, and increasing the capacity of human resources in serving and protecting Indonesian citizens abroad.

The Hassan Wirayuda Protection Award 2022 was given to 22 recipients from seven categories, both individuals and institutions as well as from the government, government partners, civil society to journalists (media).

The 2022 HWPA selection process which had been taking place since October 2022 has been carried out on 75 candidates who were openly nominated by institutions and the public.

Evaluation of candidates is carried out in an objective, measurable and accountable manner by nine judges consisting of human rights activists, academics, journalists and the government.

The 22 HWPA 2022 recipients were selected based on the best assessment, among others, in making significant contributions to efforts to protect Indonesian citizens abroad, exceeding their professional obligations.

They were also selected based on special assignments in the context of protecting Indonesian citizens abroad with full dedication, loyalty, and placing protection above personal and group interests; and their abilities, expertise, access and networks to play an active role in efforts to protect Indonesian citizens abroad.

Then, they were nominated based on their active contributions to increasing public understanding and awareness of issues on protecting Indonesian citizens in a sustainable manner and/or creating innovative systems/policies/programs, or making breakthroughs in the field of protecting Indonesian citizens.

The protection performance of all HWPA recipients from 2015 to this year is expected to further inspire all observers on issues of protecting Indonesian citizens, both at home and abroad, to continue to encourage better services and protections for Indonesian citizens.

According to Retno, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to be committed to strengthening synergy and collaboration with all stakeholders in strengthening protection diplomacy and the concrete presence of the state for the protection of all Indonesian citizens abroad.

The winners of the HWP include Andriana Supandy (Indonesian Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea), Hermono (Indonesian Ambassador in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia), and Late Ghafur Akbar Dharmaputra (former Indonesian Ambassador in Kyiv, Ukraine).

Other recipients are a number of Indonesian diplomats including Cahya Pamengku Aji at the Indonesian Embassy in Yangon, Myanmar, Teguh Adhi Primasanto at the Indonesian Embassy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and Nandang Herawan at the Indonesian Embassy in Windhoek, Namibia.

Other recipients also include Hj. Mimin Mingtarsih (Manager of PMI Children’s Learning Center in Peninsular Malaysia), Yayah Wasriyah Scaf (Community Leader in Perth, Australia), Hj. Fauziah (Head of the Manpower and Transmigration Office of Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan), and Noor Hasanah Murjani (a local staff member of the Indonesian Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia).

Those who also receive the award are Sony Jaya Muslihat (Staff for the Consular Function of the Indonesian Consulate General in Kuching, Malaysia), Syafrizal Rawinda (Indonesia citizen in Vanuatu), Ribut Giyono (Deputy Director of the Batulicin Polytechnic of South Kalimantan), and Irminus Deni (Coordinator of the Coalition of Migrant Care People for East Nusa Tenggara Province).

The next are Yohanes N Soge Makin (Teacher/Founder of the Muara Kasih Nunukan Foundation, North Kalimantan), Kabo Lawyers (Law Firm in Melbourne, Australia), the Central Indonesian Migrant Workers Union (SBMI), Selvatoray Vinothaa ( journalist, and Kompas daily’s international desk.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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