News Focus – Students enthusiastic about joining Ramadan short course in Indonesia’s Bogor city

More than one hundred participants consisting of students from different universities and Islamic boarding schools took part in the 15th Ramadhan Pesantren Kilat (Islamic short boarding course) in Indonesia’s Bogor City, West Java Province, Saturday (March 23, 2024). (Photo: Special)

The Islamic short course in Indonesia’s Bogor city presented materials regarding the entrepreneurial process with the concept of mudharabah (cooperation) developed by a fried chicken company, Dr. Chicken.


Bogor, West Java (Indonesia Window) – More than one hundred students from different universities, schools and Islamic boarding schools enthusiastically took part in the Islamic short course dubbed Pesantren Kilat Ramadhan 1445 Hijri/2024 AD in Indonesia’s Bogor city, West Java, Saturday (March 23).

Under the theme Food Security and Entrepreneurship, the fasting participants listened to the presentation, took notes and asked questions in the question and answer session.

The organizing committee (OC) and presenters at Pesantren Kilat (Islamic short boarding course) provided attractive prizes for the questioners.

The Chairman of the OC, Dr. Lalu Solihin, said that the activity which took place from morning until before the evening prayer (maghrib) was held for the 15th time and every year more than a hundred participants took part.

“The theme of each Pesantren Kilat changes according to the issues faced by people. This year we are encouraging participants to think about or understand the conditions facing the nation, namely the weakness of entrepreneurship,” Solihin noted.

Pesantren Kilat 2024, which was initiated by the Jabodetabek Journalists Community collaboratively with elements of Islamic boarding schools and other partners, received support from various parties.

Solihin further said that the organizing committee invited a number of business people and academics to share knowledge and provide perspectives for the participants.

“We asked him to share tips and knowhow to make the participants gain knowledge and interested in entering the business world,” he said.

The materials presented at the Islamic short course are about the entrepreneurial process with the concept of mudharabah (cooperation) developed by fried chicken company Dr. Chicken.

During the event, Dr. Chicken owner, Kukuh Galih Waskita shared his knowledge and experience.

Furthermore, the ins and outs of the world of honey and bees were conveyed by the owner of the honey business ‘Pak Bee’, Eureka Indra Zatnika.

Rector of Nusa Bangsa University (UNB) Bogor, DR. Yunus Arifin delivered materials on the Role of Educational Institutions and Islamic Boarding Schools in Supporting the National Food Program.

“Indonesia is actually rich in natural resources. However, the poverty rate in Indonesia is still quite high,” Solihin said.

“How to overcome the prolem? We are trying to move it from the bottom. From Islamic boarding schools, universities, by inviting business players to encourage the mentality of entrepreneurs to take advantage of the resources and potential that exist today,” Solihin added.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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