Indonesian senator disappointed with bill on Capital Jakarta

The Indonesian senator, who is now trying for his reelection in the next regional election, told reporters here on Sunday that he personally was very disappointed with bill on Capital Jakarta because in the context of culture, it still looks like in a formal setting.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The Indonesian senator from the country’s Capital Jakarta, Prof. DR. H. Dailami Firdaus, has assessed that the content of the bill on Jakarta Special Region is still far from the expectations of Jakartans, especially the community of Betawi (ethnic group native to Jakarta).
The Indonesian senator, who is now trying for his reelection in the next regional election, told reporters here on Sunday that he personally was very disappointed because in the context of culture, it still looks like in a formal setting.
“You could say it only as a complement. Jakarta should have a character rather than an area where the specificity is the existence of core people and customary institutions, that are involved in development policies,” said Prof Dailami who is popularly known as Bang Dai.
It is learnt that in early December, the House of Representatives (DPR) has agreed to discuss that the bill on Jakarta would be put into law.
Several articles have sparked controversy and debate until now because they have not accommodated the interests of the people of Jakarta, especially the Betawi community.
According to him, supposedly, friends in the DPR can involve to maximum the community participation in order to absorb the aspirations of the people, especially the Betawi community.
“Because the specificity of Jakarta should not only talk about Jakarta as an economic and business region. It is natural that we Betawi people ask for this, because it is all in accordance with the 1945 Constitution in Article 18 B paragraph (2) where the state recognizes and respects the unity of indigenous people and their traditional rights as long as they are alive and in accordance with the development of society and the principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, which are stipulated in law,” he said.
So, he further said what is requested by the Betawi people is not something that exists or is made without basis and provisions in statehood, but all are in accordance with the state’s existing rules namely based on the 1945 Constitution.
“I ask and hope that friends in the House of Representatives and the government during the discussion can include and validate the aspirations of the people of Jakarta, especially the Betawi community as the core community of Jakarta,” he added.
The existence of the Betawi Customary Council which is a representative of the core community of Jakarta must be involved in all policy formulation in Jakarta in the future.
Regarding regional finance, in addition to the Production Sharing Fund that has been received by Jakarta from the central government, it is also necessary to have a special allocation fund in order to accelerate development in Jakarta, especially for connectivity access in the Jakarta Islands Region (Thousand Islands),” he noted.
Reporting by Indonesia Window