
Iran wants to expand defense industry technology transfer cooperation with Indonesia

The Military Attaché of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Jakarta, Colonel Mohammad Reza Movahhed, delivered his remarks at the country’s 2024 Armed Forces Day celebration, in Jakarta Monday (April 29, 2024). (Indonesia Window)

The Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran has expressed its willingness to expand cooperation in various sectors and even transfer defense industry technology with the Republic of Indonesia, based on the principle of mutual interest.


Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the government of the Republic of Indonesia have expressed their willingness to expand cooperation in various sectors, including the transfer of defense industry technology.

“The Armed Forces and Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran have expressed their willingness to expand cooperation in various sectors and even transfer defense industry technology with the Republic of Indonesia, based on the principle of mutual interest,” the Military Attaché of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Jakarta, Colonel Mohammad Reza Movahhed, said in remarks at the country’s 2024 Armed Forces Day celebration, here, Monday (Apr 29).

He said, apart from diplomatic relations, the social relations and desires of the people of the two countries during the years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution are unique and have become a guide and encouragement for official authorities to develop cooperation.

Colonel Movahhed outlined a number of concrete collaborations between the two countries in the military-defence sector, including the signing of a Defense Letter of Intent (LOI) between Iran and Indonesia in 2022, the participation of the high defense delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the Indo Defense Expo 2022 exhibition, and the Joint Exercise with Komodo 2023.

He continued, bilateral relations in the defense-military sector were also demonstrated by the docking of the 86th Naval Peace and Friendship Fleet of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Jakarta in November 2022, a meeting with the president-elect and Indonesian Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto in March 2024, and the allocation of two quotas (a second quota was added recently) from Iran’s National Defense University doctoral program for Indonesian military students.

These events, Col. Movahhed said, is clear evidence of the Iranian armed forces’ strong determination to “improve reciprocal relations in various fields with Indonesia’s friendly and brotherly countries.”

“Of course, military officials from both countries believe that as political and economic relations between Iran and Indonesia improve, defense-military cooperation must also be further developed,” he said.

Iran’s Armed Forces Day is celebrated every April 18, which is remembered in the historical calendar of Iran’s Islamic Revolution.

In a recent report, Global Firepower (GFP), a website specializing in military rankings, ranked Iran 14th out of 145 countries based on more than 60 indices.

A detailed analysis of Iran’s military power reveals the country’s dominance in man power, land power, naval power, natural resources, financial resources, and logistics.

Iran has developed an influential military industry in recent decades, possessing a wide range of missiles, drones and precision-guided defense systems, all of which are produced domestically.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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