
Indonesian president conveys priorities of cooperation with Australia at ALM

Indonesian President Joko Widodo attended a series of the Annual Leaders’ Meeting (ALM) at the Taronga Center, Sydney, on Tuesday (July 4, 2023). (The Indonesian Cabinet Secretariat)

The Annual Leaders’ Meeting last year in Bogor City, West Java Province, had resulted in many positive developments. 


Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesian President Joko Widodo attended a series of the Annual Leaders’ Meeting at the Taronga Center, Sydney, on Tuesday (July 4).

“Since last year’s Annual Leaders’ Meeting (ALM) in Bogor, there have been many positive developments and thank you for the commitments,” President Widodo told a joint press conference after the meeting.

There are a number of priority things that must be done by Australia and Indonesia, the president said, adding that the first is to make economic relations more substantive and strategic.

The second, the head of state said that since the enactment of the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA), trade volume has increased to 90 percent.

“This will continue to be optimized through mutual recognition agreements for fishery products, fruit quarantine and inspection, as well as increasing the capacity of MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises),” he said.

The third about reducing carbon emissions, President Widodo continues to encourage cooperation in building carbon capture and storage as well as green energy oriented smelters in Indonesia.

“The fourth about the development of Indonesia’s prospective new capital city (in East Kalimantan Province/locally known as its acronym IKN), Indonesia is encouraging the Australian private sector and the Australian National Capital Authority to cooperate with the IKN Authority,” the president said.

According to the president, the development of cooperation between Indonesia and Australia has been progressing well.

“Indonesia and Australia have to build more substantive and strategic economic cooperation through a joint development of EV (electric vehicle) battery production,” he said.

The head of state also considered that Indonesia and ASEAN want the Indo-Pacific region to become a peaceful and stable area, while prioritizing concrete collaboration and cooperation.

“I appreciate Australia’s support for Indonesia’s chairmanship in ASEAN, and invite Australia to strengthen partnerships in the South Pacific through trilateral cooperation, and participate in the ASEAN-Indo Pacific Forum,” he said.

On the same occasion, Australian Prime Minister (PM) Anthony Albanese said that relations between Indonesia and Australia continued to improve as partners in various fields.

Nowadays, relations between Indonesia and Australia are getting better and the two countries are getting closer as partners in the economy, security and partners in the global transition towards net zero, the prime minister said.

Accotding to him, Indonesia’s security and stability conditions had a positive impact on the Indo-Pacific region.

“Indonesia’s prosperity, security and stability have made the Indo-Pacific region more prosperous, safe and stable,” he said.

Editing by Indonesia Window

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