Switzerland prioritizes Indonesia in 2021-2024 cooperation program

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesia is one of Switzerland’s priority countries under the 2021-2024 Indonesia Cooperation Program, with funding support worth 65 million Swiss francs (some 70.4 million U.S. dollars).
The programs, among others, focus on promoting inclusive and sustainable development, improving urban planning (effective public institutions), and developing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), according to a written statement from the Indonesian Embassy in Bern received here on Thursday.
Switzerland is Indonesia’s second largest investor from Europe, and the top ten foreign direct investment in the archipelagic country.
Data obtained from the Indonesian Ministry of Investment/the Investment Coordinating Board showed that in the first semester of 2021 the value of Swiss investment in Indonesia was 469.5 million dollars with 199 projects in total.
Currently there are 150 Swiss companies in Indonesia that have absorbed 50,000 local workers.
“The development that has been achieved was expected to continue to increase with the commitment of the two countries to continue to strengthen partnerships, especially in economic relations,” said Indonesian Ambassador to Switzerland Muliaman Hadad.
The ambassador added that the cooperation between Indonesia and Switzerland is also expected to enhance in a comprehensive economic partnership after all parties ratify the Indonesia-EFTA (European Free Trade Association) CEPA (Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement).
“Not only does this agreement cover cooperation on trade in goods and services, but also investment,” Ambassador Muliaman added.
In addition, to help Indonesia cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, Switzerland has sent aid through Swiss Humanitarian Aid (SHA) on July 24, 2021, in the form of 600 portable oxygen concentrators, medical protective equipment, and other medical supplies worth nearly 1 million Swiss francs (some 1.08 dollars).
Reporting by Indonesia Window