
Scientists discover new species mini frog in Indonesia’s Sumatra

The new species of mini frog, Micryletta sumatrana. So far, the frog’s habitat is only found in the Harapan Forest area of Jambi and South Sumatra, and in the Gumai Pesamah wildlife reserve, South Sumatra, Indonesia. [the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)]

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – A number of researchers from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) has recently discovered a new species of frog from southern Sumatra Island named Micryletta sumatrana.

So far, the frog’s habitat is only found in the Harapan Forest area of ​​Jambi and South Sumatra, and in the Gumai Pesamah wildlife reserve, South Sumatra.

“However, it is still possible that the mini Micryletta sumatrana frog also lives in other lowland areas in southern Sumatra,” a researcher at LIPI’s Biology Research Center, Amir Hamidy, said recently quoted from the LIPI’s website.

Amir said the size of the frog was indeed very small.

“The male frog only has a body of 17.4 millimeters long, while the female is 22.8 millimeters,” he explained, adding that the mini frog also has a golden-brown dorsal feature with a few dark spots.

“The abdomen or ventral is dark brown with a creamy white pattern,” he noted.

According to Amir, the morphological character is the main distinction among other members of Micryletta, such as Micryletta inornata in northern Sumatra (Medan and Aceh) or other Micryletta in India, Indochina, and Taiwan.

“In addition, the side of the head of this new species is dark brown with creamy-white spots on the lips and the middle or tympanum. If the hind limbs are straightened, the tibiotarsi articulation section can reach before its eyes, “he added.

There is a striking difference seen from the central pattern between the Micryletta sumatrana mini frog and the Micryletta frog that lives in northern Sumatra.

“There is a pattern-like batik on the belly of the frog found in southern Sumatra. Meanwhile, the ones found in northern Sumatra do not have this kind of pattern,” he explained.

In addition, DNA research shows Micryletta sumatrana is actually more like a frog found in Vietnam.

The discovery of the new species frog from Sumatra is quite successful with molecular technology as it allows the researchers to identify the frog’s DNA more easily.

“The DNA test confirms that there are clear differences between species found in southern Sumatra and those in northern Sumatra,” Amir said.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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