Saudi Arabia bans expats from publishing ads on social media

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The General Commission for Audiovisual Media has recently issued a circular banning non-Saudis from publishing advertisements on the social media.
The commission noted that the practice of posting ads on social media by those who do not have a license for it is a violation of Saudi Arabia’s Labor Law, as well as the rules for dealing with expatriates.
The commission stated that it would issue, in coordination with the Ministry of Commerce, a circular addressed to commercial establishments directing them not to deal or advertise with non-Saudi advertisers, either residents and visitors, or advertise to them or invite them to events for marketing products, services and goods.
It emphasized that the contract on advertising for commercial establishments is only for those who work under a commercial entity and have license and legal documents authorizing them to practice commercial advertising on social media platforms.
The Labor Law issued by Royal Decree No. M/51 dated Shaban 23, 1426, article 33 stipulates that, “a non-Saudi may not practice work and may not be allowed to engage in it except after obtaining a license.”
In addition, the Law for Combating Commercial Cover-up issued by Royal Decree No. (M/40) dated 1/1/1442 considers a non-Saudi practicing an economic activity for his own account without a license as a “crime”, whose perpetrators are to be punished with penalties of up to five years of imprisonment and a fine of up to five million Saudi riyals (about 1.3 million U.S. dollars).
The commission and the Ministry of Commerce affirmed that the laws and regulations that are in force in Saudi Arabia must be adhered to by all the people and entities.
Source: Saudi Gazette
Reporting by Indonesia Window