
Iran provides full political support for Palestine amidst Western threats

Iranian Ambassador to Indonesia Mohammad Boroujerdi delivered statement at a media gathering in Jakarta on Tuesday (October 31, 2023). (Indonesia Window)

Political support for Palestine from Iran is in accordance with the latter’s state constitution, stating that if there is an occupation of a country’s territory by another country, all liberation movements shall be supported.


Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The Islamic Republic of Iran has always provided full political support for Palestine, especially during the Israeli military invasion on Gaza which has so far killed more than 8,500 civilians in the area, 70 percent of whom are women and children.

“Iran always provides political support for Palestine and liberation movements, in accordance with the state constitution. Iranian constitution states that if there is an occupation of a country’s territory by another country, then all liberation movements shall be supported,” Iranian Ambassador to Indonesia Mohammad Boroujerdi told a number of Indonesian mass media here on Tuesday.

He emphasized that although Iran provides 100 percent political support to Palestine, various movements such as Hamas, Hezbollah, or Fatah are not under Iran’s control.

The ambassador stressed in response to accusations from certain parties who had stated that Iran was providing weapons to the movements.

Meanwhile, according to him, the military exercises carried out by Iran aimed at strengthening and increasing the country’s resilience in anticipation of threats emanating from Zionist Israel and the West.

“For 40 years every week Iran has received threats from the Israeli Zionist regime. These exercises are to increase Iran’s readiness if Israel takes unreasonable steps to attack Iran,” Ambassador Boroujerdi noted, adding that in recent years Israel has started at least 20 wars in the region.

On the other hand, he continued, with accusations of possessing nuclear weapons reported by Western media, Iran has in fact never started any war for 200 years, in contrast to the Israeli Zionist regime which has initiated dozens of military attacks in recent years.

Furthermore, the Iranian Ambassador expressed his appreciation to Indonesia for the statements of support from Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi who emphasized Indonesia’s stance in supporting Palestine, as well as criticizing and condemning Israel’s attacks over Gaza.

Ambassador Boroujerdi expected that the mass media in Indonesia publish and spread valid news regarding the situations in Gaza in order to counter the domination and hegemony of the western media which is trying to obscure the truth about the war in Gaza by making the Israeli Zionist regime a victim of the Hamas fighting movement.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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