Namibia’s Petrofund ready to collaborate with Indonesia’s Pertamina

Namibia’s Petrofund and its delegation visited oil and gas company PT Pertamina, aiming at finding potential cooperation in the capacity building aspect with this Indonesian state-owned enterprise.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The Investor Relations Function-Directorate of Strategy, Portfolio & Business Development of Indonesia’s oil and gas company PT Pertamina received Petroleum Training and Education Fund or Namibia’s Petrofund here on Monday (Dec. 12).
Namibia’s Petrofund and its delegation visited PT Pertamina, aiming at finding potential cooperation in the aspect of capacity building with the Indonesian state-owned enterprise, Juferson Victor Mangempis, Vice President of Investor Relations at PT Pertamina, said as quoted by the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs here on Wednesday.
“Petrofund is doing benchmarking to seek opportunities for collaboration with Pertamina related to capability building for further developing human resources in Namibia,” Juferson said.
Juverson and representatives of the Pertamina Group received Petrofund CEO Nillian Namata Mulemi and the delegation, including Maryke Varetta Caroline Krohne, Magy Sam, Julia Ndanyengwakunye Nekongo, and Uaapi Utjavari.
“Petrofund is on the right track. To be more advanced and developing, companies must put the main focus on developing their workers, and not just focusing on managing assets. This is in line with what has been done by Pertamina in prioritizing its employees. People are the most priority asset in the company,” according to Juferson.
Juferson also added that Petrofund has an interest in collaborating with Pertamina, which is in line with the spirit of the Indonesian state-owned enterprise to go global.
Meanwhile, Petrofund CEO Nillian Namataa Mulemi appreciated Pertamina in developing the capability building aspect.
The visit is very important in order to support Petrofund’s efforts to increase human resource capacity, along with the discovery of new energy sources in Namibia, said Mulemi who believes that Petrofund has come to the right country and company.
According to Mulemi, not only does Pertamina have experience in oil and gas production in Indonesia, but is also experienced in the aspect of capability building, for example by building various training centers.
“From the exposure we got about Pertamina as a whole, we agree and believe that the aspect of people or human resources is an investment and a key to a company’s success,” Mulemi noted.
“After we carry out benchmarking and see directly Pertamina’s work processes, we hope to be able to realize the Memorandum of Cooperation so that later there will be mutual cooperation between Petrofund and Pertamina,” he hoped.
In addition to getting exposure, the delegates on other occasions will continue their trip by directly observing Pertamina’s work areas in Indonesia.
The agenda will last for one week by visiting several areas, including the Pertamina Maritime Training Center, Pertamina University, HSE (Health and Safety Environment) Training Center at Sungai Gerong Palembang in South Sumatra province, PDSI (Pertamina Drilling Services Indonesia), Cirebon in West Java province, and PT Badak LNG, Bontang in East Kalimantan province.
Editing by Indonesia Window