Indonesia’s e-commerce transactions to reach 36.9 bln USD in 2022

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – E-commerce transaction values in Indonesia in 2022 are estimated to increase to 530 trillion rupiahs (some 36.9 billion U.S. dollars), from the forecast of 403 trillion rupiahs (some 28.07 billion U.S. dollars) in 2021, the central bank, Bank Indonesia (BI), has predicted.
“This growth is faster than expected because this sector has a very large market,” BI’s Governor Perry Warjiyo said at the 3rd Indonesia Fintech Summit 2021 here on Saturday (Dec. 11).
Perry outlined four points that should be accelerated in order to take more advantages from the enormous potential of the national digital economy.
The first, transportation and logistics infrastructures to support the digital sectors should reach the most remote corner regions of the country.
“I appreciate investment in digital infrastructures, but physical connectivity is also essential, and logistics access should be improved,” he said.
The second is the improvement of the digital ecosystem consisting of digital banking, financial technology industry (fintech), and e-commerce.
Fintech could not grow alone, so it should be collaborated with digital banking. Fintech could not also reach the large digital market without the help of e-commerce, Perry stressed.
The third is the reforms which this year the central bank has conducted them in the payment system sector.
The fourth is digital literacy for people to be more aware of digital financial products and risks, as well as understand how to use them to gain profits while keep being under protection and security.
Reporting by Indonesia Window