
Muslims expected to be best ummah to face global challenges

Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin (center) opened the 2nd ASEAN Level Islamic Conference, Thursday (Dec. 22/12/2022), at the Hilton Hotel, Nusa Dua, Badung Regency, Bali. (The Indonsian Cabinet Secretariat)

Best ummah (khairu ummah) refers to Muslims who do good (amar ma’ruf) and avoid evil (nahi munkar), accompanied by faith in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala (God The Most Exalted and The Highest).


Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin believes that by becoming the best ummah, Muslims would be able to face various current global challenges including wars between nations, economic problems, natural disasters and humanitarian conflicts.

The vice president made the remarks at the opening of the 2nd ASEAN Islamic Conference, Thursday (22/12), at the Hilton Hotel, Nusa Dua area, Badung district, Bali Province.

“Islamic teachings encourage the creation of the khairu ummah generation, or the best ummah,” the vice president was quoted by the page in a statement which was received by Indonesia Window here Friday.

Ma’ruf added that in the Al-Qur’an, letter Ali Imran verse 110, it is stated that khairu ummah refers to Muslims who do good (amar ma’ruf) and avoid evil (nahi munkar), accompanied by faith in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala (The Most Exalted and The Highest).

“Simply put, khairu ummah is a reflection of people who are role models, also pioneers for the presence of benefit and upholding justice,” he said.

According to the vice president, doing good and staying away from evil is not only a matter of worship but a principle that must be implemented in all aspects of life as well.

“Muslims must carry out amar ma’ruf in all fields, be it in the ideological, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental fields,” he said.

This can be actualized both by individuals, community members and institutions, he said, adding that the government has been committed to increasing public health services, expanding access and improving the quality of education, creating social protection and eliminating poverty, he said.

On the other hand, the vice president reminded that Muslims be always at the forefront of efforts to eradicate all forms of evil in daily life, including efforts to fight all forms of hoaxes, disinformation, intolerance, and acts of extremism that have the potential to cause disunions.

“In practice, amar ma’ruf and nahi munkar must of course go hand in hand in a fair or moderate level (Islam wasathiyah). This is in accordance with Islamic principles as the best is the balanced (ummatan wasathan), and anything in excess would end up with bad things, even causing destructions,” Ma’ruf said.

At the event under the theme ‘Khaira Ummah’, the vice president invited all Muslims, both in Indonesia and in the ASEAN region, to jointly strengthen the position of Muslims in the global arena, for the sake of realizing peace and upholding the dignity of humanity.

“I also hope that this event will further grow prospects, as well as strengthen cooperation between ASEAN countries and Saudi Arabia in various aspects, especially in the fields of education and research to accelerate the achievement of a superior, competitive and noble generation,” he said.

Present at the event were Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Indonesia Esam A. Abid Al-Thagafi, Governor of Bali I Wayan Koster, rectors from various Islamic universities in Indonesia, as well as conference delegates from ASEAN countries.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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