International events spur regional economic growth in Indonesia

International events, including those based on sports, are expected to be held in Indonesia, and currently the country’s government is preparing a team to bring the Formula 1 race to Indonesia.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesian President Joko Widodo considers that international events such as the F1H2O/Powerboat race would build a brand of the region that organizes it and spur economic growth in the area.
The president told the media about the matter after watching the F1H2O race at Muliaraja Napitupulu Balige Port, Toba district, North Sumatra province, on Sunday.
“We hope that these international events can build brands in each region. Here on Lake Toba there is F1 Powerboat. Later in Mandalika (West Nusa Tenggara province) there is MotoGP. In Jakarta there is Formula E. Later in Mandalika there is Superbike. I think this would trigger the economy in the regions. Those are very good,” the president said.
International events in an area would grow its supporting businesses such as hotels and restaurants, President Widodo explained.
The Indonesian government is also continuing to explore various sports-based international events so that they can be held in Indonesia, Widodo said, adding that currently, the government is preparing a team to bring the Formula 1 race to Indonesia.
“Yes, we are exploring everything because it will bring strong brands such as the F1 Powerboat. It is also not easy. We also want to bring Formula 1 to Indonesia, maybe next year,” he said.
The president hopes that in the future there would be racers or teams from Indonesia that can participate in international races such as MotoGP, F1 or F1H2O.
For now, international racing events would at least have impacts on the super priority tourist destinations, he added.
In the future, the president said that the government would continue to strive to improve supporting infrastructures in areas such as the Lake Toba area.
According to him, the lack of infrastructures and facilities can only be noticed when there is a big event like F1H2O.
“We still have a lot to improve in this area of Lake Toba. The infrastructures, the airport terminal, even for the F1 Powerboat, there are still many shortcomings that we must fix,” the president noted.
Reporting by Indonesia Window