Qatar Charity distributes Rp46 billion for 11 projects in Indonesia

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – A Doha-based non-governmental organization, Qatar Charity, has distributed funds worth Rp46 billion for 11 humanitarian projects in several locations in Indonesia.
In a statement received by Indonesia Window here, Monday, the Director of Qatar Charity Indonesia, Karam Zeinhom, said the 11 humanitarian projects were carried out during the 2017 to 2019 with funds of 13,275,536 Qatari Riyals or approximately Rp46,4 billion.
The projects are scheduled to be inaugurated in September 2019.
“The eleven projects demonstrate the close relationship between the two nations, Qatar and Indonesia. Many Qatari donors are giving their donations for social humanitarian projects in Indonesia, especially in education and health which are very important fields to strengthen the ties of the two countries,” he said.
Zeinhom added that Qatar Charity Indonesia is a media liaison to bridge the Indonesian people and Qatari donors.
“Qatar Charity seeks to become a bridge between the Indonesian people and Qatari donors with important projects, hoping that these works would strengthen the close relations between the two nations,” he said, adding that in carrying out humanitarian programs, Qatar Charity Indonesia always coordinates with the Ministry of Religion of the Republic Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Qatar Charity Indonesia’s Construction Manager, Hendra Hadi, pointed out that the eleven Qatar Charity Indonesia’s development projects included the orphanage service center in Banten and several social facilities in Subang (West Java), namely, the social service center, and the Dhuafa Complex of 20 houses for the poor, and the skills center for orphans.
In addition, Qatar Charity also has built a number of clinics and hospitals, including An-Nahlah health center in Subang; Dhompet Dhuafa Hospital in Parung, Bogor (West Java); a health center in Karangpawitan, Garut (West Java); and a health center in Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara).
“Qatar Charity also built emergency school for refugees in Lombok and 25 semi-permanent houses in East Lombok for 22 families,” he said.
Since entering Indonesia in 2006, Qatar Charity has worked in humanitarian assistance, including for flood victims in East Aceh and Aceh Tambanan in 2007; victims of the 2009 West Sumatra earthquake; and for the Rohingya refugees in 2009 and 2015.
Other aid was distributed to victims of the 2012 hurricane and the 2016 Garut flood disaster. For the latter one, Qatar Charity has built 126 houses, a school with six classes and one mosque.
Qatar Charity also provided assistance for victims of the Lombok earthquake in August 2018 and housing construction in Aceh City.
Reporting by Indonesia Window