
Indonesia’s CN235 successfully flies with bio-aviation fuel

Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif gave a speech at the ceremony of the successful flight test of the CN235-200 FTB (Flying Test Bed) using bio-jet fuel J2.4, at hangar 2 of Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia (GMF) in Tangerang, Banten on Tuesday (October 6, 2021). (The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – An aircraft produced by Indonesia’s state-owned aerospace company Dirgantara Indonesia, CN235-200 FTB (Flying Test Bed), managed to fly from Bandung (West Java) to capital Jakarta (straight line flight of 23 miles, or approximately 37 kilometers) using bio-aviation fuel, named J2.4, on Tuesday (Oct. 6).

The green jet fuel called bioavtur J2.4 is the result of a research synergy between Pertamina (Indonesia’s state-owned oil and gas company) Research and Technology Innovation (RTI) and the Center for Catalysis Engineering of the Bandung Institute of Technology.

The research, which began in 2012, aims to develop a national catalyst to convert palm kernel oil into bio-jet fuel feedstock.

Furthermore, the cooperation was expanded by involving Pertamina International Refinery to conduct industrial-scale co-processing production tests at the Cilacap Refinery Unit (RU) IV in Central Java province to process a mixture of Refined, Bleached, and Deodorized Palm Kernel Oil and kerosene using the national catalyst.

The research succeeded in producing 2.4%-v bio-aviation turbine called J2.4.

The flight tests of the aircraft with the J2.4 was carried out from September 8 to October 6, 2021, including to test the in-flight engine restarting.

The success of the CN235 flight test is the first step in increasing the contribution of bio-aviation fuel in the air transportation sector in order to strengthen national energy security and independence.

The development and testing of bio-jet fuel is included in the National Strategic Project under the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif hoped that research and development of bio-jet fuel will continue to produce J100 and be used by all Indonesian and international airlines.

The Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 12 of 2015 stipulates the obligation to mix biofuels in aviation turbine fuel with a percentage of 3 percent in 2020, and increase to 5 percent by 2025.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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