
Indonesia’s batik, Muslim clothing have opportunity to penetrate Philippine market

Indonesian Consul General in Davao City Dicky Fabrian gave an update about the Mindanao market, especially on the garment sector at a virtual workshop forum on Thursday (December 3, 2020). (RI’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesia’s batik products and Muslim clothing products have the opportunity to penetrate the Philippine market, especially Mindanao.

It was discussed in a virtual workshop: a garment sector business forum (batik and Muslim clothing) which was participated by more than 100 Indonesian garment business players on Thursday (Dec 3).

At the event, Indonesian Consul General in Davao City Dicky Fabrian gave an update about the Mindanao market, especially on the garment sector, to the participants.

The consul general underlined that Indonesian garment products have the opportunity to penetrate the Mindanao market.

The products include batik fabric, ready-to-wear batik, and Muslim clothing such as hijab, abaya, men’s Muslim clothes and worship attires (sarong and skullcap).

To optimize those opportunities, the Indonesian Consulate General in Davao City will involve Indonesian business players focusing in the batik and garment sector to participate in a virtual business matching forum and exhibition organized by the consulate in 2021, when the pandemic begins to subside.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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