Indonesian sugarcane bioethanol program expected to boost sugarcane quality

Through the sugarcane bioethanol program, Indonesia is expected to be able to achieve its target of being self-sufficient in food security, including no longer importing sugar from other countries.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has officially started the sugarcane bioethanol program for energy security, and hopes that the program can increase and improve the quality of sugarcane production in the country.
President Jokowi expressed his hope during the inauguration of the sugarcane bioethanol program, which was held at bioethanol factory PT Energi Agro Nusantara (Enero) in Mojokerto district, East Java province, on Friday.
“We have started to plant sugar cane which is grown in a modern way and we hope that later the planting productivity will be better and increase,” the president said.
According to the head of state, Indonesia, which was a sugar exporter in the 1800s, now has to import very large amounts of the commodity for domestic consumption and industry needs.
Therefore, the president instructed the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Erick Thohir, to improve the quality of sugarcane seeds with the best varieties in the world.
“We are working with Brazil on this and already have good experience in management of sugarcane and confectionery,” he added.
The president also hopes that through this program, Indonesia in the future can achieve the target of being independent in food security, including no longer importing sugar from other countries.
“However, it will take time, maybe in the next five years. That’s our target,” Joko Widodo said.
In order to achieve this target, machines in sugar factories should be updated with more modern ones and use the latest technology, he said, while asking farmers and sugar factories in the country to work well together.
“The key is indeed good seeds. (And) machines should provide good yields to farmers. The key is there, and this does require a lot of investment, a lot of money, …” said the President.
“If the sugarcane (program) is successful, then the B30 (30 percent biodiesel and 70 percent diesel fuel oil) can be increased again. This will strengthen the energy security of our country, Indonesia,” he said.
Reporting by Indonesia Window