
Indonesia rejects US statement on Israeli settlements in West Bank

Some participants of Indonesia Frees Baitul Maqdis rally were waving the Indonesian and Palestinian flags at the Jakarta National Monument (Monas) Square on Friday (May 11, 2018). (Indonesian Window/Libertina)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The Indonesian government issued a statement containing the rejection against the United States (US) statement regarding the construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank which belongs to a Palestinian territory.

Indonesia’s rejection was quoted from the Indonesian Foreign Ministry’s website in Jakarta on Wednesday as follows.

  1. Indonesia firmly rejects the United States’ statement that the construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank is not contrary to the international law.
  2. This statement clearly contradicts the international law and related United Nations Security Council resolutions.
  3. Indonesia consistently opposes Israel’s actions in building illegal settlements in the Palestinian territory.
  4. The construction of illegal settlements is de facto annexation and is a barrier to efforts to create peace based on a two-state solution.
  5. Indonesia urges the international community to unite and continue providing supports for the struggle of the Palestinian people.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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