Exploring Indonesia’s possible contribution to resolve humanitarian crisis in Africa

Humanitarian crisis and the future of Africa (Sudan, Somalia and Mali cases) have become issues discussed at a forum of experts and practitioners held by the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jakarta on December 17, 2024.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The Foreign Policy Strategy Agency (BSKLN) and the Directorate General of Asia Pacific and Africa of Indonesia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry held a Forum of Experts and Practitioners – Insights on The African Region: Humanitarian Crisis and the Future of Africa (Sudan, Somalia and Mali Cases) here on Tuesday (Dec. 17).
Opening the activity, BSKLN’s head Dr. Yayan G.H. Mulyana emphasized, “the humanitarian crisis in Africa has not received widespread attention. In fact, the Global Risks Report 2024 places Africa as a region with a high level of state-based armed conflicts”.
The prolonged conflict in Palestine and the current situation in Syria have further marginalized Africa’s humanitarian crisis from the global arena, he said.
According to him, this forum is expected to help mainstream African issues while exploring the potential contribution of Indonesia in conflict management efforts in the region.

Africa has a variety of mineral resources that are important to the world, especially related to the transition to net-zero carbon such as bauxite, cobalt, graphite, lithium, manganese and vanadium.
Africa is key to the global economy, especially as a source of energy, especially renewable energy and the sustainability of global supply chains.
However, Yayan said, with the existence of a continuing humanitarian crisis, global energy security, including that in Indonesia, is threatened.
Indonesia’s diplomacy is interested in supporting the mainstreaming of political stability and security in Africa, so that various countries and related parties can increase cooperation in promoting the peace process in Sudan, Somalia, Mali and other countries in Africa.
The role in question is not easy considering the complexity of the conflicts in Africa, which is rich in aspects.
Sentiment between military and civilian, tensions among ethnicities, competition between clans and sub-clans, the influence of external parties, the issue of neo-colonialism and neo-liberalism are just a few of the many problems that exist, so there is no one specific solution that can solve the humanitarian crisis in the region.
He further said, a variety of approaches are needed that also involve a variety of actors.
“Indonesia’s contribution to Africa through development cooperation, participation in peacebuilding and community building can be an important part of the strategy to promote political stability and security in Africa, in order to support economic cooperation efforts made by Indonesia, among others, through the Indonesia-Africa Forum in 2018 and 2024,” Yayan added.
Mainstreaming news about Africa through the media is also an integral part of this effort.
By highlighting the modalities of cooperation between Indonesia and Africa, not only focusing on conflicts and crises, in the long term it can encourage the involvement of more actors in efforts to support increased stability in Africa as well as Indonesia’s cooperation with these countries in bilateral and multilateral frameworks.
According to a press release made available for Indonesia Window on Wednesday, speakers at the event included the Indonesian Ambassador to Sudan, Sunarko; Deputy of Chief Mission of the Indonesian Embassy in Dakar, Aris Triyono; Diplomat of the Indonesian Embassy in Nairobi, Sabriana Jayaputri; Secretary of the Center for African Studies Unair, Probo Darono Yakti, Head of Indo-Africa Centre University of Gadjah Mada Dr. Maharani Hapsari; journalist and Middle East observer, Mustafa Abd. Rahman; and editor of Indonesia Window and Senior Reporter of Antara News Agency, Mohammad Anthoni.
Reporting by Indonesia Window