Indonesia posts financial inclusion index at 81 pct in 2020

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesia’s financial inclusion index in 2020 reached 81 percent, an increase compared to 76 percent in 2019.
It was conveyed by Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi at a meeting with Queen Maxima of the Netherlands who served as a Honorary President of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion, in The Hague, Thursday (July 1).
“The achievement was recognized by the Queen of the Netherlands and was considered a model to share with other countries,” said the foreign minister in a written statement received here on Friday (July 2).
In addition, the Indonesian minister and the queen specifically discussed the role of women in the economy.
“Attention needs to be paid to women in the issue of financial inclusion and also the digital economy,” said Retno.
Reporting by Indonesia Window