Indonesia chairs UN Security Council meeting on Palestinian annexation

As the President of the UN Security Council, Indonesia chaired a virtual meeting on Tuesday (August 25, 2020) to discuss the Palestinian issue, and call on the international community to continue rejecting the annexation, as well as asking all parties to immediately start negotiations. (RI’s Foreign Affairs Ministry)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – As the President of the UN Security Council, Indonesia chaired a virtual meeting on Tuesday (Aug 25) to discuss the Palestinian issue, and call on the international community to continue rejecting the annexation, as well as asking all parties to immediately start negotiations.

“We have to make sure that Israel’s plan to annex Palestine does not stop temporarily, but for good,” the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations in New York, Dian Triansyah Djani, said in a statement from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs received by Indonesia Window here on Wednesday.

Ambassador Djani emphasized that annexation, regardless of form and time, is illegal.

In the meeting attended by UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for the peace process in the Middle East Nickolay Mladenov, Indonesia recalled that the decades-long conflict in Palestine has brought about negative impacts on the Palestinian people, especially women and children.

The most important matter for Palestinians is a comprehensive solution that is fair and sustainable.

“To that end, Indonesia encourages the resumption of the diplomacy and negotiation process, especially between related parties in the region,” Ambassador Djani said.

Special Envoy Mladenov expressed his concern over the ongoing violence and expulsion of Palestinians in Israeli settlements.

In addition, the increase in positive cases and casualties due to the COVID-19 in the Palestinian territories also requires the attention and assistance of the international community.

The majority of the UN Security Council (UNSC) member states reiterated their support for the settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on International law and the two-state solution, as well as international parameters that are in line with the UNSC’s peaceful and fair resolutions.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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