
COVID-19 – Indonesia receives health assistance from Turkey

Indonesia received assistance for handling COVID-19 from Turkey in the form of 50 ventilators and 600,000 boxes of medicines worth more than 100 billion rupiahs (some 6.9 million U.S. dollars) which arrived at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang district, Banten province on Sunday (Aug. 8, 2021). (The Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesia has received assistance for handling COVID-19 from Turkey in the form of 50 ventilators and 600,000 boxes of medicines worth more than 100 billion rupiahs (some 6.9 million U.S. dollars) which arrived at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang district, Banten province on Sunday afternoon.

The charge d’affaires of the Turkish Embassy in Jakarta, Burak Ali Karacan, representing the Turkish government handed over the donation directly to representatives from the Indonesian Ministry of Health and witnessed by representatives from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The medical equipment and medicines will be distributed to a number of health facilities in various regions in Indonesia.

This support shows the solid friendship relations and bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

This year Indonesia and Turkey commemorate 71 years of diplomatic relations.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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