
COVID-19 – 128 million Indonesians have received full doses of vaccines

A man receives a vaccine injection against the COVID-19. (

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The number of recipients of complete doses of the COVID-19 vaccines in Indonesia as of Tuesday (Feb. 1) has reached 128,655,689, according to the national COVID-19 task force.

Data from the task force received here, stated that the number of people who has received full doses of the COVID-19 vaccine increased by 627,615 on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the number of recipients of the first doses of vaccines was recorded at 440,655 people, bringing the total number to 185,121,652 people.

The Indonesian government plans to vaccinate 208,265,720 people to achieve herd immunity against COVID-19.

The Indonesian Ministry of Health reported that the first doses of the COVID-19 vaccines had been given to 88.89 percent of the total target.

Meanwhile, residents who have completed the second and third doses of vaccines reached 61.77 percent and 2.17 percent respectively of the total target.

Based on the vaccine recipient category, up to now as many as 15,705,477 elderlies in Indonesia have received the first doses of vaccines and 10,394,841 of them have received the second doses of the target of 21,553,118 people.

The elderly group has a higher risk of severity and death when they are infected with the corona virus.

As many as 46.8 percent of patients who died due to COVID-19 in Indonesia were the elderly group, according to the site.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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