ASEAN-EU partnership expected to promote inclusive economic recovery

ASEAN-EU partnership has to create a greener and more sustainable future, and mobilize financing and transfer of environmentally friendly technologies, besides strengthening the ecosystem for the development of new and renewable energy.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesian President Joko Widodo conveyed two important things at the plenary session of the 45th ASEAN-EU Commemorative Summit 2022 in Brussels, Belgium, Wednesday (Dec. 14), namely first, the ASEAN-EU partnership should contribute to an inclusive economic recovery.
Amid the threat of recession, the president pushed for policies that facilitate trade and investment, and related to this, the head of state expressed his views on the proposal for the European Union’s Deforestation Regulation which actually has the potential to create obstacles.
“Indonesia wants to emphasize that inclusive and value-added development would support the resilience of the world economy in an equitable manner. It is in this regard that Indonesia will continue to develop the downstream industry,” the president said.
According to President Widodo, only by down streaming measures, Indonesia can make a leap in welfare and encourage more inclusive development.
Second, the president encouraged the ASEAN-EU partnership to create a greener and more sustainable future. According to him, the energy crisis would happen, but the energy transition has to be carried out in a fair manner.
“I appreciate the European Union’s support for the Bali Energy Transition Roadmap produced by the G20 Summit last month. The ASEAN-EU partnership should mobilize financing and transfer of environmentally friendly technologies and strengthen the ecosystem for the development of new and renewable energy,” he said.
The president encouraged the ASEAN-EU Partnership to cooperate for a more prosperous and sustainable future for ASEAN, the European Union and the world.
“Cooperation which is based on the principles of equality, mutual respect and mutual benefit,” he explained.
Indonesia received the ASEAN chairmanship transfer from Cambodia and will become the ASEAN Chair in 2023. The handover of the chairmanship took place at the closing ceremony of the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits and other related summits at the Sokha Hotel in Phnom Penh on Nov. 13, 2022.
ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) is an organization with the aim of prospering and advancing countries in Southeast Asia.
ASEAN consists of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, Brunei Darussalam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia.
The European Union is an intergovernmental and supranational organization whose members are Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Greece.
Reporting by Indonesia