All preparations for 42nd ASEAN Summit already on right track

There will be eight meetings in two days of holding the 42nd ASEAN Summit on May 10-11, 2023, consisting of five meetings which will be held on the first day, while the other three meetings will take place on the second day.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – All preparations for holding the 42nd ASEAN Summit to be held in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai District, East Nusa Tenggara province, next May are already on the right track, the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi said.
Retno made the remarks when accompanying Indonesian President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana reviewing a number of preparations ahead of the 42nd ASEAN Summit, in Labuan Bajo, on Tuesday (April 25).
“The checking of all preparations, both substance and non-substance, was carried out today (April 25) in detail by the president and as of today we can say that all preparations are on the right track,” the foreign minister said in his statement after the review, as quoted by Indonesia Windows on Thursday.
Regarding the substance, the minister reported that there would be eight meetings within two days of holding the 42nd ASEAN Summit on May 10-11, 2023, consisting of five meetings which would be held on the first day, while the other three meetings would take place on the second day.
“On the first day, all meetings will be chaired by the president, while on the second day, three meetings, two of which will be chaired by the president, while one other meeting on a rotational basis will currently be chaired by the prime minister of Malaysia,” Retno explained.
President Widodo and First Lady Iriana also reviewed a number of locations which will be used for several activities of the 42nd ASEAN Summit, which include rooms for plenary meeting, retreat, and spouse program.
As for Komodo Airport, the minister reported that currently there are two routes, namely the international route and the domestic route.
In fact, a number of supporting facilities and infrastructure of the airport are also being carefully prepared to welcome arrivals of delegates to the 42nd ASEAN Summit.
Finally, regarding the readiness of hotels to be used by ASEAN heads of state/heads of government, President Widodo emphasized the importance of comfort for the leaders.
The president also wants the holding of the 42nd ASEAN Summit to be used as a venue for promoting Indonesian tourist sites, especially Labuan Bajo, to ASEAN and the world.
The minister is optimistic that the chairmanship of ASEAN which is held by Indonesia can run smoothly. She also asked for prayers and support from all the Indonesian people.
Reporting by Indonesia Window