News Focus – Al-Aqsa Storm operation reveals Israel’s and its Western allies’ wickedness

Al-Aqsa Storm operation which was launched by the resistance faction in Gaza, Hamas, against Israel in Palestine since October 7 a year ago has revealed a large number of depravities of the Zionist government and its Western allies, as well as the damage to the global justice system and moral standards.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Al-Aqsa Storm operation which was launched by the resistance faction in Gaza, Hamas, against Israel in Palestine since October 7 a year ago has exposed a large number of depravities of the Zionist government and its Western allies, as well as the damage to the global justice system and moral standards.
This was confirmed by the Director of the Foundation for Friendship and Civilization Studies (YPSP), Dr. Ahed Abu Alatta, in a joint discussion under the theme ‘Ramadan with Gaza: Our Role in Easing the Burden on Gaza’ held by YPSP here, Friday (April 5).
“Al-Aqsa Storm Operation has entered its 182nd day, and victims continue to fall,” he said, adding that the struggle in Gaza is currently exposing many things.
Al-Aqsa Storm operation exposed the cover of Western countries which have been promoting themselves as the ones who best protect and uphold humanity, but in fact have actually damaged and destroyed the foundation of humanity in Gaza, he explained.
Dr. Alatta further said, Al-Aqsa Storm Operation exposed Israel’s evil intentions and plans to control Palestinian land and destroy the mosque and the third holy site of the Al-Aqsa Islamic Community in Al-Quds or Jerusalem.
On the other hand, the resistance of major Muslim countries in the world to Israel’s barbarism and the suffering of Palestinians, especially in Gaza, shows that the resistance movement against the Zionist regime led by Hamas reveals the weakness of the governments of Muslim countries.
“In fact, quite a few of these countries are actually collaborating with Israel. Others are silent or unable to prevent Israel’s crimes. They will appear later if the problems in Palestine are almost over,” Dr. Alatta said.
He emphasized that the government and Muslim countries have an important role in stopping Israeli colonialism.
“Enough criticism and condemnation. We need the unity of the Muslim Ummah under strong leadership to fight Israel,” said the YPSP Director who is a resident of Gaza.

In the same discussion, writer and film producer, Asma Nadia, emphasized that “you don’t need to be a Muslim, you don’t even need to be a believer, to understand that what is happening in Gaza is very inhumane”.
“Every father, every mother, every woman and man must move, because most of the victims in Gaza are women, mothers and children,” she noted.
“We should not feel at ease with international support. Don’t be satisfied or take anything for granted with sending humanitarian aid to Gaza,” Asma stressed.
She emphasized that support and defense for Gaza must ensure that the permanent ceasefire is truly adhered to, with no more lives killed, she added.
Asma also underscored that the big goal of the entire Gaza struggle is an independent Palestine. “If this has not been achieved, then the insults against Muslims in Gaza would continue,” she said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Foreign Relations and International Cooperation Division of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Prof. Dr. Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim emphasized that Indonesia owes a lot to the Palestinian people who have supported Indonesia’s struggle for independence.
“Indonesia’s debt to the Palestinian people has not been paid off, because the repayment is ‘in installments’,” he said, adding that issues about Palestine among young people, even among students, are increasingly unpopular.
In fact, he continued, Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people was the darkest history that occurred in the 20th and 21st centuries, with Zionists and the United States (U.S.) as the main actors.
He said that his party would build an Israeli genocide museum in Jakarta which aims to show the public the cruelty and barbarity of the Zionist Israel.
“The struggle of the Palestinian people so far shows that in fact the United States and Israel have failed miserably in their efforts to build a peaceful and prosperous life,” he noted.
On the other hand, continued Prof. Sudarnoto, Hamas shows that it has made a very important transformation from a small organization to being labeled a ‘terrorist organization’ by the U.S. which aims to destroy the resistance movement in Palestine.
“But this failed. In fact, Israel and the United States have been mentally destroyed, and would soon be destroyed both from within and out of (the U.S. and Israel),” he stressed.

The same thing was also emphasized by Middle East expert from the University of Indonesia, Yon Machmudi, PhD., who stated that so far the U.S. and its Western allies have applied double standards in viewing morals and humanity.
“European countries and the United States are not firm in dealing with Israel, while if their side is harmed, they will firmly defend their interests,” he said, emphasizing, even non-religious people would see this as wrong”.
According to him, the destruction of the United States would soon occur because of its own actions by sacrificing itself to defend Israel even though it means violating universal human standards and values.
He emphasized that supporting the struggle for independence and defending Palestinian interests are the constitutional duty of the head of state of the Republic of Indonesia.
“Not enough at the ministerial level. The Indonesian president must lead a special mission for Palestinian independence to carry out international negotiations by inviting other countries in the world,” Yon said.
Reporting by Indonesia Window