
Indonesia exports mily transport aircraft to Nepal

Workers were working at PT DI’s aircraft manufacturing facility in Bandung, West Java. (Indonesia Window)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesia’s Aerospace Company PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PT DI) exported a military version of the CN235-220 transport aircraft to the Nepalese Military Force on Wednesday.

The aircraft was sent by a ferry flight from the PT DI Fixed Wing hangar in Bandung, West Java, to the Tribuvan Airport in Kathmandu, Nepal, and is expected to arrive on November 2, the Government News Network reported as quoted by Indonesia Window here on Wednesday.

The aircraft export is partly financed by the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI) or Indonesia Eximbank under the National Interest Account (NIA) scheme of Rp200 billion (Rp14,039 = US$1).

“The support by LPEI to PT DI shows that aircraft products made in Indonesia are able to compete in the international market,” LPEI’s Senior Executive Vice President I Yadi J. Ruchandi said.

PT DI was founded in 1976 in Bandung and was led by the3rd Indonesian President B.J. Habibie in 1976 until 1995 when he was assigned as Indonesia’s vice president.


The company’s main products among others are commercial and military aircraft, aircraft structure components, aircraft maintenance services and engineering services.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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