
Feature – Pandeglang district head releases four mother turtles on Tanjung Lesung Beach

Irna Narulita, District Head of Pandeglang, in Indonesia’s Banten Province, released mother turtles on the beach around the Tanjung Lesung tourist destination, Wednesday June 7, 2023. (The Pandeglang District Tourism and Culture Office)

The four mother turtles were released on Tanjung Lesung Beach in connection with the commemoration of World Ocean Day which is held every June 8.


Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Pandeglang District Head Irna Narulita recently released the four mother turtles on the beach around the Tanjung Lesung Tourism Special Economic Zone (SEZ), in Banten Province.

“Thank God, the district head had the opportunity to release the four mother turtles around Tanjung Lesung beach on Wednesday, June 7 2023,” Head of the Pandeglang District Tourism and Culture Office, Neneng Nuraeni, told the press in Pandeglang district, Banten province, Friday.

Neneng further stated that the district head expressed her hope that turtles, which are prone to extinction and protected by the state, can reproduce around the coast of the Tanjung Lesung Tourism SEZ.

According to Neneng, the release of the four mother turtles was also carried out in connection with the commemoration of the World Ocean Day which is held every June 8.

The concept of the World Oceans Day was first proposed in 1992 in a global forum at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development or the Earth Summit in Brazil.

Since then a number of countries have started commemorating it, but the UN only inaugurated it on June 8, 2008. The United Nations Division for Maritime Affairs and the Law of the Sea actively coordinates various activities for each commemoration of the World Ocean Day.

According to Neneng, prior to releasing the turtles, the Pandeglang district head conducted the 3rd Stage of launching coral reef planting in 770 cages on Liwungan Island which was initiated by PT Telkom Indonesia (an Indonesian state-owned enterprise engaged in information and communication technology) in collaboration with the Laz Harfa Banten Foundation (non-profit organization that has concentrated on empowering the poor since 2004).

the four mother turtles
Irna Narulita (left), District Head of Pandeglang, in Indonesia’s Banten Province, launched coral reef planting around Liwungan Island in Pandeglang, Wednesday, June 7, 2023. (The Pandeglang District Tourism and Culture Office)

PT Telkom Indonesia is committed to restoring the coral reef ecosystem through a conservation program in the Liwungan Island area, Citereup Village, Panimbang District, Pandeglang district, Banten Province.

Coral reef conservation is an effort to rehabilitate coral reefs by cutting broodstock corals which are then planted elsewhere which are damaged, and this activity is a program that supports an endeavor to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) in Banten.

In this regard, the district head has appreciated PT Telkom Indonesia’s concern for the people of Pandeglang, especially the people around Liwungan Island.

“On behalf of myself and on behalf of the entire Pandeglang people, I would like to thank you for this conservation program. Hopefully this program can run well so that the impact can be directly felt by the people,” Irna said.

Meanwhile, Adam Widodo, General Manager of Telkom Witel Banten, said that the coral reef conservation program is expected to be able to rebuild marine life and improve the economy of the people in the Liwungan Island.

“Thank you, of course. We say to the district head of Pandeglang, Mrs. Irna Narulita, who was willing to attend and open the launching of this event. Hopefully this coral reef conservation would be able to protect marine ecosystems and improve the economy of fishing communities around Liwungan Island,” he said.

Editing by Indonesia Window

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