43rd ASEAN Summit to serve journalists with 24-hour media center

The 43rd ASEAN Summit is ready to serve journalists with a 24-hour media center which has a capacity of holding up to 2,500 people.
Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Ahead of the holding of the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta on September 5-7, the Ministry of Communication and Information has prepared a media center at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), which will operate on Sept. 2-8, 2023.
“The ASEAN Summit this time is still with a similar arrangement to the previous one. Coverage starts with arrivals of the heads of state at the airport by the host media, and is broadcast live at the media center,” the Minister of Communication and Information, Budi Arie Setiadi, said at a media gathering for the 43rd ASEAN Summit, in Jakarta, Monday (28/ 8).
“Arrangements for access to media coverage at the summit, gala dinner, and spouse program will be informed later,” Budi explained.
A total of 1,077 domestic and foreign journalists will cover the 43rd ASEAN Summit in 2023, he said, while inviting journalists from 170 international media and 70 national media to participate in making the summit a success.
“Through this meeting I hope we have the same vision and understanding in supporting the success of this event,” Budi said.
Meanwhile, the ministry’s Director General of Information and Public Communication, Usman Kansong, said media that have registered and are accredited can take ID badges at the media center.
Usman pointed out that the summit media center which has a capacity of holding up to 2,500 people is ready to serve journalists covering the 43rd ASEAN Summit for 24 hours to meet media coverage needs.
To support the journalists, he said, the Ministry of Communication and Information has prepared an internet network with a capacity of 1.5 gigabytes per second (gbps) installed on 240 computer workstations.
Other facilities include a dedicated international broadcast center distribution, 10 office media partner booths measuring 5 x 3 meters, audio video editing booths, one-on-one studio, and multi-format broadcast conversion.
The ministry also provides media briefing rooms, a press conference room with a capacity of 300 pax + five, and interpreters.
It will also prepare news releases in two languages, photos and video packs in two languages, clean feed broadcasts and bulletins regarding the 43rd ASEAN Summit 2023.
In addition to the media center, more information related to the 43rd ASEAN Summit can be accessed on ASEANpedia.
Editing by Indonesia Window