Saudi Arabia launches Manarat Al-Haramain platform to access Islamic studies

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The Director of the General Presidency for Affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque, Abdulrahman ibn Abdulaziz As-Sudais, launched the e-platform of Manarat Al-Haramain, in association with the Saudi Minister of Communications and Information technology, Abdullah as-Sawaha.
A statement received by Indonesia Window here on Saturday mentioned that the platform aims to broadcast sermons, lessons, and lectures from the Two Holy Mosques online.
The launching is in cooperation between the General Presidency for the Affairs of the Grand Mosque in Makkah and the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah and the Kingdom’s Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.
Sheikh As-Sudais explained that such cooperation would make a paradigm shift in e-services for the Two Holy Mosques visitors.
The current stage relies heavily on increasing the precautions measures and technology, since technology achieving social distancing, he added.
Stressing the great support given by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman ibn Abdulaziz Al Saud and his Crown Prince, Mohammed ibn Salman (may Allaah protect them) towards the Two Holy Mosques with their guidance. keeping continuing activities of the Two Holy Mosques to reach the world by using the latest technologies and electronic platforms, which Manarat Al-Haramain platform is one of it.
Sheikh As-Sudais mentioned that Manarat Al-Haramain platform is one of the qualitative shifts of the Presidency in the technology aspect.
The Presidency achieved qualitative shifts in the technology aspect by launching a package of multiple e-services, such as Alharamain app, the translation project of Arafat sermon (Arafat sermon), and other e-services that helped in conveying the message of the Two Holy Mosques in all aspects which marked by moderation and aiming to combat extremism and misguidance.
Meanwhile, Minister of Communications and Information Technology Abdullah ibn Ameer as-Sawaha explained that the platform aims to enable Muslims in all around the world to access the lessons and lectures of the Two Holy Mosques through relying on electronic capabilities that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia enjoys, especially during this time of taking precautionary measures all over the world against the pandemic of Cororna virus.
As-Sawaha stated that the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Crown Prince (may Allaah ﷻ support them) were keen to the launch of the platform, showing full care of the Two Holy Mosques and facilitating access to all Muslims.
The minister also mentioned the transformation in technology aspect achieved by the Presidency.
The great cooperation between the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the General Presidency for Affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque resulted in launching the platform at an ideal time.
All of this would not be possible without the huge support by the wise leadership (may Allaah ﷻ bless it).
Reporting by Indonesia Window