Of yore, Zamzam water was scooped up by a bucket

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) -The Grand Mosque complex where the Kabah stands now looks more modern with various facilities that support the comfort and safety of Muslims in worship.
The development also includes maintaining Zamzam water source which is located about 21 meters from the Kaba, and taking the water with the latest technology to meet the needs of pilgrims and Muslims throughout the world.
However, the splendor and modernity that can now be found in every corner of the Grand Mosque is started with simple technology, such as a bucket used to scoop up Zamzam water which is now in the Exhibition Hall of Two Holy Mosques Architecture in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
There you can see historical objects that are part of the Kaba building and other artifacts that were used or set up around the Grand Mosque.
Once you enter the Exhibition Hall, you will get a historical object in the form of the Zamzam well lip with a circular well fence complete with its lid. The fence is still equipped with a pulley wheel to take Zamzam water. The wheel has been recorded since the end of the 14th century Hijri. A bucket made of brass which was part of the fence was also still there and was used in 1299 Hijri / 1881 AD.
A few steps from the artifact which is also not far from Maqam Ibrahim, there is the Kaba door and the staircase leading to the door. The staircase which was made of teak wood has been around since 1240 Hijr/ 1824 AD and is still intact.

If you still want to walk around in the exhibition hall to end the visit, you will see some relics in the form of ancient holy book of Al Quran, including the copy of the original Quran which was written in the era of the Caliphate of Uthman radliallahu ‘anhu.

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