
No diplomatic note regarding Habib Rizieq: Ambassador

Indonesia’s Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Agus Maftuh Abegebriel. (The Indonesian Embassy in Riyadh)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – Indonesia’s Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Agus Maftuh Abegebriel has said that he has yet to receive any diplomatic note regarding the leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Habib Rizieq Syihab.

“We have not yet received any diplomatic note regarding Habib Rizieq,” Ambassador Agus Maftuh said via a short message service received by Indonesia Window here on Tuesday.

The statement was made in response to mass media reports on negotiations between Indonesian and Saudi Arabian authorities regarding Habib Rizieq Syihab as stated by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Indonesia, Esam A Abid Althagafi, to journalists after meeting with the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Human Rights, Mahfud Md, in Jakarta on Monday (Nov 25).

This issue was expected to be solved soon, national mass media quoted Ambassador Esam as saying, adding that he could not say anything as it is still under negotiations.

Habib Rizieq is currently in Saudi Arabia and claimed he was ‘banned’ from being able to return to Indonesia.

Ambassador Esam explained that his meeting with  Mahfud Md discussed cooperation between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia on different matters including a plan to hold a conference in Jakarta and an effort to invite Saudi people to visit Jakarta and other cities in Indonesia.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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