Indonesia’s Patimban port capacity reaches 14 million TEUs

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The Indonesian government is developing Patimban seaport in Subang district, West Java province which will make it the largest cargo port in the country with a capacity of up to 14 million TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units), Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi has said.
When giving a press statement after a limited meeting (ratas) regarding the Acceleration of the Patimban National Project here on Tuesday, the minister noted that the first stage of the construction of Patimban has a capacity of 7 million TEUs.
He explained that currently the movement of cargo from cities/districts of Bekasi, Kawarang and Subang in West Java, which are some important industrial areas, to Tanjung Priok Port in Jakarta is less optimal.
The minister added that later on there will be a collaboration between Tanjung Priok and Patimban seaports for some cargoes from East Bekasi and Karawang to be shipped via Patimban, while those from West Bekasi and Tangerang via Tanjung Priok.
“With coordination, there will be an appointment of operators that, God willing, will cooperate from domestic and those from abroad. Of course, we will dominate, in the hope Patimban connectivity will run well and become a hub,” the minister said.
Furthermore, Budi Karya added, the government starts developing several ports in the east of Patimban.
Coordination is also carried out so that Patimban management can make direct calls to Europe, America and China.
The minister noted the total investment for Patimban development is 43 trillion rupiahs (some 2.9 billion U.S. dollars).
The first phase of development has been carried out at a cost of 14 trillion rupiahs (about 946.5 million U.S. dollars) which came from the state budget and loans from JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency).
The first phase of development is expected to be completed in 2021, and the next phase will be continued in 2021-2023 at a cost of 9.5 trillion rupiahs (some 642.2 million U.S. dollars).
The Minister of Transportation added that Patimban is expected to start operating in the fourth quarter of this year, or around November-December 2020.
“We hope that this (port operation) will start in December, to export automotive products. We know that there are many automotive industries in Bekasi and Karawang,” he said.
Regarding the accessibility undertaken by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), the minister explained that in the first stage Patimban will be connected to the Pantura (the northern part) road.
“We will also start building a toll road approximately 30 kilometers from Patimban to the toll road,” the minister said.
Reporting by Indonesia Window