
Indonesia sells 37,200 cars in August 2020

Illustration. As many as 37,200 cars and vehicles with more than four wheels were sold in August 2020 in Indonesia, an increase of 47 percent from those in July 2020. (Thomas B. from Pixabay)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – As many as 37,200 cars and vehicles with more than four wheels were sold in August 2020 in Indonesia, an increase of 47 percent from those in the previous month, Indonesian Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said in a statement received by Indonesia Window here on Saturday.

The minister added, sales of the same automotive products in July 2020 reached 25,200 units, an increase of 100 percent compared to those in June 2020.

Meanwhile, the production of cars in 2019 was recorded at 1.28 million units with a total investment value of up to 92.87 trillion rupiahs (some 6.2 billion U.S. dollars), and absorbed 1.5 million workers.

“The sales of two-wheeled and three-wheeled vehicles in 2019, reached 7.29 million units. As many as 810,000 units were sold exported,” the minister noted.

According to him, currently the automotive industry in Indonesia is increasing along with the growing vehicle modification industry.

“The development of the modification industry has also an impact on the enhancement of national automotive sales,” Agus Gumiwang said.

Moreover, the vehicle modification industry is a small-and-medium-scaled sector that is able to open up massive job opportunities while stimulating the national economy.

“The progress of the modification industry has enhanced the competitiveness of domestic products. In addition, along with the development of the automotive industry, the aftermarket service industry is also growing,” he added.

Aftermarket is spare parts that are designed to replace the original equipment (EO) version at a lower price.

Aftermarket companies often buy the rights to produce a part using a template (pattern) from the original manufacturers.

Indonesia Modification Expo (IMX) 2020 which was virtually held on October 10, was one of many indicators of the country’s development in vehicle modification industry.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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