
Indonesia calls for Afghanistan reconciliation with solidarity, women participation

The open-ended extraordinary meeting of the OIC Executive Committee at the level of permanent representatives on the situation in Afghanistan at the OIC headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on Sunday (August 22, 2021). (The Indonesian Embassy in Riyadh)

Jakarta (Indonesia Window) – The Indonesian delegation has underscored that efforts to resolve the current situation in Afghanistan and the future of the Central Asian country should go through a peaceful reconciliation process, led and owned by the Afghan people themselves.

The call was made by the Indonesian representative at an open-ended extraordinary meeting of the OIC Executive Committee at the level of permanent representatives on the situation in Afghanistan at the OIC headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia on Sunday (Aug. 22).

The Indonesian representative also emphasized that the Afghan national reconciliation process could only be achieved with the unity and solidarity of all parties in the country, and there would be no peace or stability without the full, equal and significant participation of women.

The extraordinary meeting was chaired by OIC Secretary General Yousef Al-Othaimeen and Saudi Permanent Representative to the OIC Saleh Al-Suhaibani, and was participated in by 42 of the 57 representatives of the OIC member countries.

In his remarks, the OIC’s Secretary General conveyed his support for Islamic solidarity for the Afghan nation.

The international community hoped that the future leadership of Afghanistan could guarantee the security, peace and honor of every Afghan people in accordance with international norms and laws.

The authorities are also expected to provide access to humanitarian aid and facilitate civilians who are seeking to flee Afghanistan.

Al-Othaimeen expressed his hope that Afghanistan would no longer be a safe haven for terrorist organizations, expressing the OIC’s willingness to fully support Afghan national unity and reconciliation without foreign intervention.

Meanwhile, Afghan permanent representative to the OIC Shafiq Samim appreciated the OIC and its member countries for the support and solidarity with Afghanistan in the midst of this difficult time.

Samim reported the latest developments in his country, that the Taliban had entered Kabul peacefully, while the security of the capital city and other areas are stable.

Samim also conveyed Taliban’s commitment, including pledging to maintain the safety of foreigners and diplomatic missions leaving Afghanistan through Kabul airport.

In addition, the Taliban is also committed to upholding Islamic law, protecting the rights of women and children to school and work, guaranteeing press freedom as long as it does not conflict with Islamic principles, and maintaining diplomatic relations.

The extraordinary meeting mandated the OIC Secretary General to form a high-level delegation to convey support and assistance for peace, stability and national reconciliation in Afghanistan.

The meeting also agreed on the final communique by consensus.

Reporting by Indonesia Window

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